Published By: Admin
Mobile commerce has become one of the fast growing shopping trends brought by the explosion in the Smartphone sales. Through in a survey it has been noticed that m-commerce is taking place at a larger extent since few years. It is going to continue great growth In future. Businesses that have started their m-commerce strategy have profited a lot. As mobiles have become main strategy to most of the users these days, retailers whether big or small need to start their m-commerce to get better results.
Developing your own m-commerce strategy would be a challenge if you don’t know what the users expect on the mobile commerce shopping service. So, let us discuss some ways to get a successful mobile commerce strategy.
· Millennials should be your target:Millennials prefer shopping on Smartphone’s rather than on computers. Online shopping is one of the top advantages of owing a Smartphone.
· Focus on social advertising: Many of them use Facebook, instagram, twitter from there Smartphone’s. Most of the millennials check their status and update their social media first.
· Know your preferences on your target audience: Many of them spend more on booking a taxi, ordering food, online banking and payment of bills through their Smartphone’s.
· Include health information besides products and services: Almost half of the users try to get health information through their Smartphone’s.
· Have a store finder feature with map: finding a location when you are lost somewhere is one of the top advantages of Smartphone’s.
· Use fun give ways and games as a marking tool: many of them like to play games on their Smartphone’s.
We can improve the mobile commerce conversions even through some different ways like fast loading ecommerce websites, better mobile checkouts, by adding mobile friendly videos and by increasing mobile marketing. Let us discuss in detail about them.
Fast loading ecommerce websites:
Users shopping on mobile would be impatient. They would like to make a purchase. They would not wait for our ecommerce site to load slowly. If you want to improve your mobile commerce strategy then try to make sure that your site loads fast.
Better mobile checkouts:
Mobile checkouts are generally weak. After shopping any product on mobile commerce, you could find difficulty in the payment issues where you need to wait for a longer time. If you start giving better mobile checkouts to the users, then it would be a factor to improve the mobile commerce strategy.
Adding mobile friendly videos:
We could observe that the download of videos on mobile is really high. Mobile internet users watch more videos. If we start adding videos to our site, it boosts to our mobile commerce.
Increase mobile marketing:
Mobile is growing faster than any other digital advertising. If you want to attract your customer, you need to have mobile ads.
By implementing these strategies, we could able to improve our mobile commerce strategy to some extent.